Invention Services

Electronic / Mechatronic Product Design Services

200-2504 Government Street, Victoria B.C. Canada, V8T 4P7

Located on Beautiful Vancouver Island B.C.

Projects: 250 384 8392

Cell: 250 882 5896


In business since 1986 we offer the following design services:

  1. Local manufacturing here in Victoria, not relying on China.
  2. Microcontroller (single chip computer) based designs.
  3. Inventions, Patenting and Innovative solutions.
  4. Product Documentation / Technical Writing.
  5. Prototyping of Electronic / Mechatronic Products.
  6. Remote / Satellite Data Acquisition.
  7. Microscope and Electron Microscope (SEM) imaging services.
  8. Analog signal measurement and data acquisition systems.
  9. Renewable Energy System Integration.
  10. Nuclear Radiation Measurement and Detection.
  11. Radiation Hormesis Tools.
  12. Android Development and Book Publishing.
  13. Android / open source firmware & software / hardware options.
  14. Open source linux software / firmware products.

Design & Manufacturing Contacts:

Founder of the company in 1986.

Ian Soutar Company Founder 1986.

Ian Soutar

Cell: 250 882 5896  email: isoutar at

Firmware / Software Hardware  Designer

Ed Haslam email: edhaslam at

Technical Documentation Contact

Barbara Soutar demonstrating the Rattail Antenna Booster.

Barbara Soutar demonstrating the Rattail Antenna Booster.

Barbara Soutar


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